About the Author

Hello and welcome to The Comeback King website. My name is Timothy Homan and this website is my little corner of the world where I write about a topic that I am passionate about sharing.

The topic is called Universal Reconciliation or Christian Universalism.

This is a view about Christianity and the message in the Bible that Jesus Christ came to redeem all (everyone), and since He has been given all power and authority Matthew 28:18, He has power above what we think is our “free will”, and He intends to use that power and authority to redeem everyone and everything to himself John 12:32, and ultimately turn over His kingdom to the Father so that God may be ALL in ALL just like the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:28.

I believe this view most glorifies God for the work He has promised he will do, and we are all invited by God to be a part of this story.

You might ask……”Wait! What did you just say? What about Hell? Revelation? Lake of fire? Isn’t the Bible very clear about that?”

If you are like I was when I first heard of this view, I had all the same reservations. My only suggestion is to set all of your “Yeah, but what abouts” aside for now and tackle this topic one section at a time.

One of the greatest signs of spiritual maturity is a humble approach that is willing to listen, grow, reason, study, and not disregard a view just because it threatens your current paradigm.

There are many factors at play for this topic that involve direct translation errors, translation bias, and theological interpretation bias that when considered intently, can change your view of God’s story into a glorious hope of a victorious gospel.

For a more extensive explanation of this view see my What I believe section.

I was first introduced to this view in approximately 2009 by a pastor in southwest Florida whom I was introduced to while visiting family. After an afternoon of conversation, this pastor who I am still friends with to this day, gave me the book Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin. You can find the kindle version for free as well as the paperback version on Amazon here.

It took a handful of years to come to full belief in Christian Universalism, but I now see it as the best view of the options available that joins all of the various themes and theological factors in the Bible together.

I’ve found a robust community of believers in this gospel of true hope through various Facebook Groups.

I’m a member of Hope For All Fellowship lead by Gerry Beauchemin. They have two weekly zoom groups on Thursday Evenings and Sunday afternoons which I enjoy participating in when my schedule permits.

In 2019 I attended the Gospel of Relentless Love Conference at The Sanctuary in Denver Colorado, sponsored by Pastor Peter Hiett.

I love this Gospel. To me, this is the greatest news that could ever exist. It is a faith and hope in a God that saves us from ourselves and takes responsibility for His creation. You can take his promise to the bank. Continue…..What I believe HERE