Additional Resources

Here you can find links to various books and online resources discussing Christian Universalism and Universal Reconciliation.

Hope Beyond Hell by Gerry Beauchemin

  • Amazon Link HERE Free on Kindle. PDF is free off his website HERE
  • This book was my first introduction to the view, and Gerry is a good friend of mine. He is the founder of
  • Weekly online Zoom meetings on Thursday’s and Sunday’s

An extensive website in book form that explains this view. A great resource. The author is Brett Baughman a high school science teacher and good friend of mine.

The Savior of All Men by James S. Hollandsworth

This is an excellent presentation. Well put together and generally easy to read and follow. I highly recommend as a first time introduction to this view.

Amazon link Here

Joyland Church (Near Colorado Springs, Colorado USA)

Joyland Church is pastored by Larry McKnight. I first met Larry at the Gospel of Relentless Love Conference in Denver, CO in 2019. Larry’s teachings are a breath of fresh air. His ability to show in the scriptures the sense of God’s goodness shining through the translation of the Hebrew and Greek has been greatly beneficial to me.

I highly recommend the video resources on his website.



10605 Green Mountain Falls Rd, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80819

This is a website by Johannes Steenbuch, A ph.d. in philosophy and patristics (early Christian studies), living on Bornholm in Denmark.

This is an excellent video discussing the Universalism taught by the Apostle Paul. A well put together presentation and well worth the time.

This video is by a Christian rapper who goes by Marz, a beautifully put together video explaining this view.